Thursday, December 29, 2011

Family time

I have loved the past few weeks being busy with many fun family activities.  It's been awesome having Kylee and Brody here since the 17th, and having Jess and Brad around a lot.  We had a fun time at the Skeens having a party before Christmas.  We had an ugly lamp contest, played the newlywed game, and played around the world, 4 square, wall ball and dodge ball in the gym.

 I loved Christmas being on a Sunday this year.  I wish it was every year and that we could have an amazing 1 hour Sacrament meeting like we did this year.  It was great.  I actually liked just getting up and going to church at 9, then coming home, taking pictures, then opening presents and having a big breakfast at noon.  We spent the rest of the day going to the Weyerts, then hanging out at home playing the trivia game, hide the pickle, and several other fun games.  It was so wonderful to all be together for the whole day.

Kylee and Brody are here for another week, so stay tuned for another post of more fun activities!


Jessica said...

This was a very fun fun Christmas being all together. I've enjoyed being able to be around a lot more as well and having ky and brod here. :) Love the pictures from after church

Lindsey said...

I love how beautiful everyone looks while opening their gifts, that's very unusual for Christmas morning photos. How fun to see two extra men in your family photos, especially men that I love so much and consider to be my friend.

Kylee said...

I have loved all the family time we've had! Thanks for always making our time with you guys so fun and special :)