Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Phase 1 of our remodel

So we are in the thick of our kitchen remodel, and since I want to wait until we're all done and do a big reveal with before and after pictures, I did want to give a tiny glimpse of what's been going on here.  So I'll tell about the first phase of our new carpet!  We had all 5 bedrooms carpeted, plus the game room and sewing room.  Three days later, we all helped Mike move his office home into one of the bedrooms upstairs.  He is LOVING working at home and not having to go out in the cold, dark early morning hours.  

This is of all of us moving everything out of the bedrooms into the family room, living room, and guest bathroom (doesn't Cam look thrilled to be helping?)  It was a huge undertaking and we figured with the time all 6 of us spent moving everything, it totaled about 12 hours. 

 That was the easy part though as we learned the next day when it came time to put everything away. . .  Two carpet installers worked from 10:30 am until 8 pm laying the carpet, which I LOVE.  I'm so excited about it, and to have it in the other rooms as soon as we're done in the kitchen.

 Here's our bedroom with the new carpet.  I love it, and love that I don't need to vacuum nearly as often as with the lighter.


Jessica said...

I love love how everything is turning out! I can't wait for it to be all done, as I'm sure you can't either! Love the new carpet

Kylee said...

Yay!! I'm so excited to see this all in person someday. I love the way it looks in pictures. I can't believe that old white carpet lasted that long. Who gets white carpet??

Lindsey said...

Yeah for remodels!! And yeah for taking such great photos!! Can't wait to see the big reveal! What a bloody freaking nightmare that must've been. Where were we all the while? I'm SICK we didn't help. Oh, wait, I was having my foot surgery. Phew! I feel a little better, but not much. Please, pretty please call on us for phase 2.

Jord said...

How fun is this!!! I can't wait to see all the pictures and am glad you get a house update. How nice for Mike to work at home too! Keep the updates coming.

Dani Em said...

it will all be worth it!! I can't wait to see it when it's finished!!

Vonnie said...

It was great to see you on Saturday and hear about the project. It looks great! I love the carpet color. It will go with so many colors. I'll be watching for the next phase.

Jamie Jo said...

Oh my gosh! I had no idea you had so much going on. Where have I been? Oh yeah. In Washinton. :( You will love having dark carpet. I hate having light again. I'm jealous of your kitchen remodel. You already had a great kitchen. I have a kitchenette, you know. With no disposal. I'll need to blog about it soon.