Sunday, December 2, 2012


Cam got asked to the girls choice dance by his friend Megan Mills.  He was with a fun group with a lot of his friends.  The theme of the dance was super heros, so he and Megan were batman and batgirl.  He had a good time.

 Mike was left alone to help him get ready as I was gone to SLC on my annual Christmas shopping weekend with Freda, Teresa and Stacie. I always love our time together and the many great bargins we find.
 Janet helped me pick out some fabric this summer to make a baby quilt. I thought if I offered it to the first girl who got pregnant, maybe that would entice them to make me a grandma sooner, rather than later!  I had a fun time making it- sewing most of it while watching the summer olympics.  I finally got it quilted and sewed the binding on while driving to Ft. Collins for Thanksgiving.  I'm thrilled with how it turned out.  Now the question is-  who will get it???

We had the Bundy's over for a fun and creative Election Party on the night of the Presidential election.  It was fun eating, playing games and watching the results.  But not so fun with the outcome of the voting.
 Jake voted for the first time ever and proudly wore his badge.
 We had a great 5 days with Kylee and Brody in Ft. Collins.  We arrived at midnight on Tuesday the 20th.  Wednesday:  Brody took us on a fun hike to the "A" (because CSU used to be the Aggies) on the mountain behind their house.  Ky had a dentist appointment so had to miss out.  The weather was amazing- in the 60's.  We did a little shopping (Ky is not that much shorter than the boys. . . they were up on the curb), got the groceries for our Thanksgiving meal, made pizza, looked at the pretty lights in Old Town, then played cards.
Thanksgiving: After we got some food items cooking, and had breakfast (Ky had some fun styling the boys' hair) we took off for an hour's walk around City Park- an awesome park in Ft. Collins.  It was so pretty, and so nice to be out enjoying the beauty of nature on Thanksgiving.
 This is how much shorter Ky is than the boys. . . I'm sure it's so weird for her to look up to her younger brothers. . .
 After the hike Ky and I got busy in the kitchen while the boys lazed around watching football and playing on their phones and computers (doesn't that ever get old???). 
 Our meal was delicious.  I couldn't pick a favorite dish because everything was so tasty.
 We went to the matinee of "Lincoln" (very interesting and good.  We sure had a great education with that great President as we listened to the book "Killing Lincoln" on the drive, and saw his face on Mt. Rushmore!) came home for leftovers and then watched some funny stuff on Youtube (check out Bad Lip Reading- namely the Presidential debates and Hunger Games and Twilight).  Ky, Jake, Cam and I went to Walmart around 10 to check out a few things. It was pretty busy when we got there, but we ended up in a line to pay for our purchases with only one person ahead of us.

Friday: We left at 8:30 for our fun road trip to Mt. Rushmore- which is about 5-6 hours away from Ft. Collins.  We arrived in time to see it in the daylight, then by the time we looked around in the museum and gift shops it was dark so we got to see it lit up too.  It was awesome and I loved learning more about this great historical monument.

 After checking into our motel in Custer, we went out to eat, then enjoyed an evening playing cards while watching TV.

 Saturday:  We spent a few hours in the morning looking at the Crazy Horse Monument.  It was incredible, especially to think that it was started in 1948 and there is still soo much more work to be done before it's finished.  There are many buildings full of Indian Artifacts and information.  It was very interesting and informative.

 Our last adventure was checking out Jewel Cave- the second longest cave in the world. It was in a very pretty setting (those black hills are beautiful) and I'm glad we went.  We arrived back in Ft. Collins in time to go to Old Town again to Rocket Fizz (it was closed Wednesday night when we went) which is a cool soda and candy store.  This may have been the boys favorite part of the trip. . .  We had leftovers and played Scum.  We went to Sacrament meeting with Ky and Brody, then headed home.  We had such a fun time with the Hatch's and our fun adventures, but we sure missed Jess and Brad.


Kylee said...

Great post mom! You did a good job at giving details about everything. I might go back and add more to mine. That's fun you had a party on the night of the election, I didn't realize you had done that. I love the picture of everyone's faces when the announcement was made that Obama won. Thanks again for coming to visit us!! We had a GREAT time!

Lindsey said...

Fantiddiliastic post! I swear I haven't snapped one photo this month. What a LA-HOO-SEUR I am! I'm glad to know you have those election photos. That seems like FOREVER ago! I can't believe it's only been a month. Your Hatch visit photos are super duper awesome. So glad you guys can cross that off your bucket list.

Jessica said...

Hip hip hurray for a new post from you and KY! I too love everyone's face at the election party. haha! I'm so sad we weren't able to come with you guys to the Hatch's and all the fun things you guys did but it looks like you had a blast!! I especially love all the funny pictures you guys took. Oh and I love that blanket... I want it, pick me!! ;) Brad asked where cam's date was in the picture, but I'm guessing you don't have one cause you were gone and dad was in charge.. haha

Vonnie said...

Great recap of a fun and busy month. I absolutely LOVE your baby quilt. I wonder who the lucky recipient will be?? I'm so glad you got to go to Mt. Rushmore and add another state to your quest. Thanks for sharing!