Thursday, October 1, 2015


Not much else to report on for this month. But happily I have a bunch of pictures of my missionary. He's doing great and is working hard in Lake Bluff- just north of Chicago.

Here he is with his companion Elder Seegmiller and Aaron- a 9 year old boy they taught then his less active (but being reactivated) Dad baptized him.
They got to go to downtown Chicago one day for Pday. That always makes him happy.

Missionaries goofing off? Awesome! (does Seegmiller remind anyone of Jake??)
They get to teach an English class every week to these people. Cam loves it!

I LOVE clouds! I'd say I'm rather obsessed with them.

One Saturday morning me, Mike, Jake, Brad and Bundy hiked the windcaves. Jake claims he's never done it before. I loved seeing the beautiful fall colors just starting to turn.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I always tell myself that I will comment on your blog posts right when I read them, but then I don't know what happens! I swear I somehow miss some of them because I don't totally remember this one either. But what a good missionary boy that Cam is! I can't wait to skype with him soon!!!!