Saturday, June 2, 2012

Jake's marvelous month of May

Jake has just experienced a month so jam packed with amazing and memorable experiences that I don't think he'll ever be able to top it.  For starters, a movie he's been waiting 4 years for finally came out- The Avengers.  He's a huge Marvel Comic fan (particularly Captain America) so this movie was a dream come true.  He and his friends watched both Iron Man movies, the Incredible Hulk (which in my opinion was not so incredible. . . ) Captain America and Thor the two days before The Avengers came out, then they skipped school on Thurs May 3 to wait in line for TWELVE hours to see the Midnight movie on May 4.  It lived up to all the hype and anticipation, and I have to agree with the rest of the world that it was an amazing movie.  I quite loved it.

A week later, his friend John was allowed to invite some friends and accompany his parents to Lake Powell for 4 days.  Jake had such a great time- he really appreciated the beauty of Lake Powell and had such a fun time with all his friends.  He ventured out of his usual activity of tubing only and tried water skiing, wake boarding and surfing. He liked surfing the best.


 The night he got back from Lake Powell was our ward YM/YW senior dinner.  Sadly our ward is getting older with less and less youth, so you're looking at the graduating class of 2012 from the Foothill 2nd ward. He's had some great leaders and loved our ward even though none of his friends are in it. (he's wet because the YM pres. poured a picture of water on him after Jake started a water gun fight with some water guns that were part of the centerpieces- he figured they weren't there just to look cute!)

 The next weekend was the Senior Ball.  Jake never got into the whole dance scene, but he was willing to go to the last, biggest dance of the year.  The group consisted of his five best friends and some of his best friends who are girls, so he had a fun time.  I helped Janae (my good friend and the mom of Jakes bestie Corey) decorate her front porch for the dinner and then helped serve the dinner.  It was fun to be there and witness the fun everyone had.

 The next day Jake had to give his senior talk in Sacrament meeting.  Since he knew he'd be out late Saturday night, he did the smart thing and got it written a few days before.  He did a great job.  I was really proud of him, as I was that night when he graduated from Seminary.
 The next week was filled with fun last week of school activities.  One night was Oscar night.  Since Jake and his friends are really into making movies, they entered 9 of the movies/short clips they'd made and won an Oscar in every category they entered!  (On a side note, a few weeks before that they went to a film festival in SLC for all the high schools in Utah and took 2nd place in the 2 minute movie category, and 3rd place in the 8 minute category!)  This is the attire Jake came up with for the big night. . . He looked awesome!
 He had a great time at Senior Lagoon Day, and was amused to be told on three separate occasions by total strangers that he looks like Liam Hemsworth (Gale from Hunger Games) and one group of girls even wanted their picture taken with him.  Haha.  He had fun that night at the Beach dance out on the Patio at LHS.  That Sunday we had a progressive dinner/graduation party with about 20 family members from my side of the family.  The last stop was our house for dessert and a little tribute to Jake.  I gave him this T-shirt quilt that I had made, a high school scrapbook, and we all watched a DVD of his life that Kylee had made. It was so awesome.  The bottom right picture shows everyone's face as we watched the part of the DVD that shows about 50 pictures of Jake doing funny/dorky poses and faces.  It was very entertaining.  Ky did a great job.  I really wished she and Brody and Jess and Brad could have been there.
 Lindsey did an awesome job of taking Senior Pictures of Jake.  These are the ones she did in the fall:

and these are the ones she did this month:

See what I mean about the dorky/funny faces and poses?

 The dreaded High School graduation finally arrived (because- according to Jake- the fun part of life is over) with Candlelight on the 29th. . .

 And Graduation on the 30th. . .

 Since graduation was at 3:00, we went out to eat afterwards with the 2 sets of grandparents. 

Thanks to everyone for your support for Jake throughout his life.  It really means a lot to me.  And thanks to Jake for being such an amazing, fun, entertaining and special son.  You're the best and I couldn't love you more.


Vonnie said...

Don't you just love being the mother of two fantastic sons? Thanks for the great recap of the life of a great young man! We love Jake!

Kylee said...

I have lots of things to say about this post so I hope I can remember all of it. That is SO much stuff all in one week! I didn't even know about some of it. That had to have been the best week of his life so far. I love his outfit for oscar's night and that's awesome people thought he looks like Gale from Hunger Games! I can kinda see it! I'm glad everyone liked the movie and I love that picture of everyone laughing. What is Jake standing next to in the bottom right collage of senior pics that Lindsey took?? Anyway, great post! I wish I could have been there for all the festivities, but you did a great job making me feel like I was there through this post! :)

Stacie said...

Good post Lee Lee, and congrats to Jake! We are proud of him! he is such a fun guy to be around!

Jessica said...

wow Jake did have a lot of things in May! I still can't believe he is graduated! Fun that he got to go to Lake Powell, crazy that he had never done wakeboarding or anything before. Jake looks good in his tux, I'm glad he went to this dance. He'll be glad he did. So fun that you were able to be there to see them all. I love his outfit for oscars night. That is so funny that he got told so many times that he looks like Liam Hemsworth. i can see it a little, but not really. I wish I could have been there for the progressive dinner as well. Looks like you guys had a lof of fun. Lindsey did do a good job on his pictures. I love them all... even his silly ones. Those are just Jake, you can't not have those! haha That is cool that they do graduation in the spectrum now. Very smart! Congrats to Jake on everything!

Jord said...

Jake is such a good looking boy and it looks like he finished off high school in style. I just can't believe he is so grown up.

Lindsey said...

He seriously is a hunky kid. Always has been. I love how much he owns his funny personality and isn't shy to be hamming it up almost non stop. It's been fun for me to watch my girls have that interaction with he and Cam, kind of like they're the uncles they never had...or at least uncles who didn't already have kids of their own, you know how it goes. I know this post isn't about me, but YOWZA!! That photo of me watching his video....I'll just say it ain't pretty :/

Annie said...

Jake Jensen is one unique dude! I just love him. Your graduation gifts should be required by all mothers sending their kids off into the great unknown if I do say so my damn self! Wonderful recap Lee.

Nan said...

Great post although you make me feel like an incompetent mother after all you did your your graduating senior!