Tuesday, February 2, 2016

First 3 weeks of January

Evan can play by himself so great- as long as someone is right there beside him...
He got a baby doll to practice being soft with it in preparation for having a baby brother in a few months. It's so cute/funny to watch his version of soft.

He loves watching videos of himself and some nursery rhyme videos on my ipad. I love how he's sitting here holding his hands and watching so intently.
The people who love him most besides his parents... (and Cam;)
This is how these guys dressed for the day and they didn't know the other one was dressing as their twin! haha.
Instead of doing our traditional snow shoeing excursion this year, we just did a walk in the canyon. It was a little cold and snowy, but we still had a good time.

We had a fun time at the Skeens on Sunday night eating and playing catch phrase.

I took Evan to the church one morning to let him run around and explore. He loved it! We should have been doing this long ago.

Me and my little buddy. Oh how I love this little boy.
Here's Jake trying to get Evan to love him...Don't give up Jake! It will happen one day.
This is Evan being taken away from me. It never goes well...
I love that Evan loves books.
Tom and Freda invited us over for dinner a couple days before we left for Seattle.
This is baby Owen! It's amazing to me how clear these 3D ultra sound pictures are!


Carol said...

Yeah for a new post! I hope you are adjusting to life without Evan....

Jessica said...

I love this post! But it makes me miss Evan and Ky. (insert crying emoji)