Monday, August 17, 2009

They're gone

I've known this day was coming for five months. I've tried to prepare myself. I'm not going to dwell on my sadness at Kylee and Brody moving. That would be selfish. . . I'm just going to think of the positives. I'll get back to you on those when I figure out what they are. Kidding. I'm excited for them to have this experience of moving off on their own. Mike and I did it- and it was great. We just have loved having them around so much, and have been spoiled these past 2 1/2 years since they got married and lived 5 minutes away, and especially spoiled these past few weeks having them living at home. It has been so great, and we've done some fun things. The following is a sampling:

This past weekend, the Bundys and Densleys came for a fun going away party. First we ate,
played beach volleyball, then went to Lundstrom Park for some night-time ultimate frisbee.

Then back home for a competitive game of scum.
Sunday after church, we played more beach volleyball. I don't know what I love more on a summer day than a rousing game of beach volleyball. It's so much fun. That evening, the Searles, Ericksons, and Griffins came for munchies, a game of Apples to Apples, and to say goodbye.

This morning, me and the boys joined Ky, Brody and Salomon on a bike ride up Green Canyon. It was hard/beautiful/fun all at the same time. We then helped them pack up the moving truck with their belongings that had been stored in Brody's sister's garage these past 2 weeks.
They left the truck at Brittanys house and came back here to load up what they'd been using the past 2 weeks and to get Sal. Luckily they didn't have to go all the way to Glendale like this!
And then they were gone. I can't really say more than that at this time. I just got done reapplying my makeup- and I don't need to be ruining it again. I am so glad we were able to have such a fun time this whole summer as a family.

And now to answer the burning question I'm sure many of you have. How did it go with Sal the dog? I don't know if I've been more surprised by anything in my life than by how I feel about this dog. I might just have to say I love the little guy. I know, I know- I've had many a negative thing to say about dogs in the past. They drool, they dig, they lick, they bark, whine, jump, poo, shed, stink. I was prepared to tolerate all these things just to have Ky and Brody here. But, to my amazement, Sal doesn't bark, dig, drool, whine, jump, shed or stink. Well, not much. He is a good boy. He's smart and rather entertaining and quite fun. For the first few days, this is where Sal was most of the time:
I couldn't take it! Look at that face! I could practically hear him saying "whatcha doing in there? looks like you're having fun! I wanna come in and have fun too!" So, slowly by slowly, he made his way into the house and into my heart. I know! It's shocking!

I lost any fear I had of being drooled on, jumped on, or licked. OK- maybe that's exaggerating. But I did improve.

Here are some more pictures of us having fun with him:
Now, lest you think the world has gone completely mad, we're not going to run out and get a dog of our own now that Sal is gone. But I won't be dreading having Sal come back for Christmas- even if it means he'll probably stay inside the house THE WHOLE TIME.

I've been making a list the past few weeks of things I'll miss about having the Hatchs live here:
*every other sunday dinners
*wednesday dinners and LOST afterwards
*drop in visits
*shopping and lunchs with ky
*brody's awesome discounts on outdoor equipment from nordas
*rook and other card games
*going to the temple together
*get-togethers with the bundys
*working out together
*hikes and bike rides
*seeing the green jetta or red dodge in front of our house
*driving by their house on the way to the weyerts or cliffside
*backyard beach VB, croquet, badminton or bocce ball
*celebrating every birthday and holiday together
*passing each other driving around town, or seeing Ky walking Sal on the island as i'm driving by
*brody's laugh

We have a lot of wonderful memories that will see us through until we make more. Good luck Kylee, Brody and Sal in your new home and town. I love you guys (great--- there goes the make-up. . . )


Jenny said...

Good luck to you. Moving sucks, but visits are fun!

Jessica said...

We will all miss them--but it does give you a good excuse to take a quick road trip/vacation!

Lindsey said...

I know you're more sad than me, but I truly think I come in second place. Maybe I come third after Bundy, then Mike and the siblings can come in fourth after us. Funny that you have more pictures of Sal then of the Hatches. That was a good list you made. My heart ached at the car parked in front of your house and seeing them driving around town, for some reasons those are things I would miss the most as well. No worries, I no Kylee is irreplaceable, and I would never even attempt it. But I will be sure to make an effort to come up more often, even if it's just for the day during the week sometime. Trust me, I'm about to be pretty lonely myself.

tutus n bowties said...

SAD!! Please make them come back! It hit me once we made it home. My lip is quivering as we speak. Thank you so much for letting us join in on the farewell weekend. You are the greatest for entertaining, cooking, and lending us a bed! Also...I totally agree about Sal. I have had many dogs in and out of my life and he is the only one that I have liked.

Mike said...

I miss them so much and can't wait to see them as soon as possible. What a fun couple! I can't believe I'm hearing such good things about a dog coming from you. Wow!

Kylee said...

What can I say besides, we miss you!! You're the best-- I love you!

Jord said...

That is a sweet post and I'm sure they'll miss you too. I'll let you know the next time I see a cheap airline fare down'll need to plan a trip sooner than later!

Stacey said...

That post is a true tear jerker...I'm sure you've documented these thoughts in your journal as well. They have so much ahead of them...but for you this is sort of an end to her being in your home. Can you even imagine the day they bring home a grandchild? Hello??

Vonnie said...

I can relate X 2. I thought my heart would break when my girls left, but alas, life goes on...differently, but it does go on.
Claire gave me a little framed saying when she left home for good that said "Parents should give their children two things...roots and wings"
They are well prepared to head out on their own and they'll be better and stronger people for it. It's just no fun for the parents left behind!
I have a hunch that you will be watching Southwest Ding fares regularly!
And about the more can I say?