Monday, June 14, 2010

Jessica and I had a fun day yesterday celebrating our birthdays. My best birthday present ever, without question, was 20 years ago when Jessica was born the day I turned 29. It has been so much fun celebrating each birthday together every year.
We didn't think of taking this picture until several pieces of cake had already been served. . .

Kylee and Brody (with some help from Mike) slaved away in the kitchen all afternoon preparing our yummy meal of shisk-a-bobs, special potatoes, kung pow soy beans, rolls, and strawberry glaze cake. It was a great day. I loved receiving phone calls, voice messages, texts, and facebook wishes from many family and friends.

And now, on a totally unrelated topic, I'll bet you'll be surprised to hear that both Mike and I are running for the U.S. Senate. I know, you didn't think we were that politically minded. It's true, but we just decided it was time for us to do our part. We've had fun campaigning together, and feel like we have quite a bit of support. We encourage you to check out our platform, and see if we're the right fit for you. Please vote for us!

Haha. We couldn't pass it up!


Jessica said...

Good post momma mia! I love sharing a birthday too! I'm so glad that you decided to have me on your birthdayand not the day before! Thanks for everything youdo fo me!

Kylee said...

Haha I love that sign picture. And the whole story of it. I'm glad you had a good birthday, I love you!

Vonnie said...

Love the sign. You must steal one to keep! It looks like you girls had a lovely day. Good! You deserve it!

Nan said...

I'll vote for you! The question is, are you running as 2 people or just 1?

Benji and Anne King said...

Happy Birthdays! That is so neat that you get to share your special days with each other. We'll be sure to vote for you! haha