Sunday, August 15, 2010

Last week with the Hatch's

Yesterday we all went to lava hot springs for the afternoon and had a lot of fun.  Here are Cam and Jake plunging off the 33' platform.  There are pictures of the rest of us doing the same, but I can't figure out how to get the pictures all together (sorry Ky, I know you showed me but it isn't working. . .)

 We four had a good time attending the Bountiful temple Thursday night.  We're wanting to attend as many different temples as we can (especially the ones in Utah) so we thought we'd try and squeeze this one in before they left.  I'm so glad we did.  What a beautiful place!  We loved it.  We enjoyed visiting with the newly engaged Teresa and Brad afterwards in their awesome home.
We had a fun last week with Kylee and Brody.  The four of us (plus Salomon the dog) went on a great hike from Green Canyon ending at the Wind Caves in Logan Canyon.  It was a beautiful hike, and a good workout, and fun to spend that time together.

I want credit for jumping off this scary high jump.  It wasn't easy, and I only did it to impress the kids. . . I don't think I'd do it again.  I was impressed with Ky for doing it
because she was very scared too.
. Today Kylee and Brody loaded up and headed back to Arizona for Brody's last year at Thunderbird.  It was so hard for me to see them go after the fun three months we had together.  I will miss so many things, I don't think I can name themn all- but I'll name a few.  I'll miss Kylee making yummy new recipes for us.  I'll miss seeing them both in the living room on their computers.  I'll miss being followed around everywhere I go by Salomon (OK- maybe I won't miss that, but I will miss being greeted by him at the door everytime I came home).  I'll miss rook games.  I'll miss watching TV together.  I"ll miss badminton, croquet and beach volleyball.  I'll miss hikes and bike rides.  I'll miss going for mornings walks with Ky and Sal.  I'll miss them being there for extended family fun.  I'll miss our good conversations.  I'll miss laughing together.  I'll miss going out to dinner.  I'll miss them doing chores around the house. I'll miss seeing the guest room with all their things in it.  I'll miss them coming to church with us. I'll miss their excitement and enthusiasm over everything we did.   OK- that's all I can do without making myself even sadder than I already am.  Luckily we have Jessica's return to look forward to on Thursday, so we won't be too sad for long.  Thanks Ky and Brody for adding so much fun to our summer.  It would have been very lonely and boring without you!!!  I love you both. 

Notice Cam and Jake running after their car.  A tradition we copied from the Romneys!


Claire said...

Love the running-after tradition! Also love how you always call the dog "Solomon the dog."

Nan said...

You did the Preston Valley aka Beirdneau hike. I'm glad it finally worked out.

Lindsey said...

Come back!! Come back Kylee and Brody! How very sorry I feel for you, they are just the all time best. When Margo and Clay cried when we drove away it made me think of you, sad times to not live by your kids, especially grandkids...yikes, let's not even think about that!

Vonnie said...

Wow, I'm impressed! Did it hurt when you hit the water? It looks like you've had a great summer with your kids. Good times! Good to see you on Friday night.

Annie said...

Kid, I can honestly feel your pain...many times over! Don't worry. They'll be moving home again:)

Jessica said...

Dear Ky and Brod: Why did you have to leave 4 days before I got home? BOO!!! I wanna go to Lava and jump off that high one! It looks like so much fun! I hope we can do some fun things when I get home even though it won't be summer anymore!

mary erickson said...

I cannot believ e you would jump off thaat high dive. But then I remember you are a good swimmer and taught swim lessons. You have to be a Mother of children who leave, to know how your own Mother feels. Glad to have you close.

Jamie Jo said...

I'm sorry you have to say good-bye to Kylee and Brody. And you couldn't pay me enough to jump off that high dive. Good job!

Jord said...

What fun adventures. I can see why they were sad to leave you too! I hope you get to come and visit again soon.

Kylee said...

We had the BEST summer ever with you guys!! Thanks for all you did for us. And I am VERY impressed with you for jumping off that thing. I don't know of anyone else your age that would. So good work! You definitely impressed us.

P.S. I might copy you with a list of things I'll miss, but I was already planning on doing that! Great minds think alike!

Stacey said...

Geez louise, that jump looks scary. My kids will never be able to run after cars. They will be run over BY cars!