Friday, January 14, 2011

Between Christmas and the Wedding. . .

 The week after Christmas was a busy, fun time.  In fact, now that all the wedding planning and festivities are over, I'm rather out of sorts with my normal, predictable routine. . . but that's OK- I'm sure I'll get used to it again.   On Monday the 27th , my friend Tori came over and helped me, Ky and Jess make about 180 oreo pops to have for the wedding day to serve at the luncheon and reception.  It was so much fun to learn how to make them- and since they're TO DIE FOR, I know I'll be making more in the future.

Sorry, but these pictures are out of order.  On the 30th, I spent most of the day at the church where the lunch and reception were being held decorating it with the help of the Hatch's, Bundy's, Jessica, Jake, Cam, Ann, Sara, Freda and her friend Nina.  I could not have done it w/o everyone's help!  So a special thanks to everyone who gave of their time and expertise-especially Lindsey who was the creative genius behind it all. I had so many compliments from everyone on how great everything looked.  I have to say it wasn't as stressful as I'd feared- in fact, it was rather fun!  Also a big thank you goes to my cupcake making helpers- my friends Janae and Carolyn, Mom, and Freda!  Between the 4 of them, they made 517 cupcakes to be served at the reception!  If we'd only known we would only need about 200 of them. . . oh well- it was fun to give many away to family and friends the day after the wedding.  I'm so glad Mom stayed with us for two days leading up to the wedding so she could be there to help and just join in on the excitement.  I hope we didn't wear her out too much!

 It was great to receive help from Mike and the boys and Kylee Thursday night as we frosted all but 80 cupcakes. After being in the kitchen 8-9 hours baking cupcakes, we decided to give Mom the rest of the night off!  By midnight, I decided we wouldn't possibly need that many- and boy, was I right!
 This is the out of order picture.  This is on Wednesday, the 30th when Jessica went to the temple to receive her endowments.  It was a blizzard that day- and we were all praying that the weather wouldn't be anything like that on Friday!  Happily it wasn't!  It was great to be joined by Mom, the Hatch's, Bundy's, Ann and Carol for the session and a Mexican Haystacks dinner afterward at our house (we missed Brad's family who had planned to come, but then decided against it at the last minute because of the bad weather.) What a great day to be with another daughter in the temple.
 These are the only pictures I'll show of the wedding day until Jessica has a chance to post first.  It's only right. . . The bottom right is of hairdresser Stacie working her magic on Jess's hair and makeup.  She did a fabulous job- on her, and me!  It was a perfect day.  I absolutely loved every minute of it.  Except maybe the clean up- but even that was fun actually.  More details (and lots more collages) to come!


Nan said...

Happy times for the Jensen family. Everything at the reception was wonderful. You are amazing.

Kylee said...

It was a busy but very fun week!

Lindsey said...

Hip Hip Hooray! It was so fun. You pulled everything together beautifully. Glad I could be apart of it all L)

Vonnie said...

Your family was so busy, but it looks like you had a great time getting everything done! It was a LOVELY affair and all that hard work was worth it.

Jessica said...

I like this post. Good job recapping on everything madre! and thanks for everything you did, everything was perfect! :)

tutus n bowties said...

You did such a beautiful job with the wedding. I was so sad that I couldn't eat one of those magical looking little red pop things. That was way above and beyond. Well done!