Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Wedding!

I am happy to present to you the beautiful wedding pictures of Brad and Jessica!  I just want to sit and stare at them all day!  They are such a terrific couple, and so happy and in love. It's great to be a witness to!  The first 4 collages were taken a month before the wedding by my sweet sister-in-law Jessica.  She did such an awesome job!  She did some at Hamilton's and some at The American West Heritage Center.  Jess and Brad were quite frozen after being outside for 2 hours, but it was all worth it!  Thanks again Jessica for doing such a fantastic job!

 The rest are from the day of the wedding.  These amazing pictures were captured by my niece Lindsey.  She did a super awesome job, and I'm so grateful to her for doing it.  This day was even more freezing than the month before, so luckily we were only outside for about a half hour.  This first collage is of them coming out of the temple and being greeted by brave family and friends who waited in the 12 degree weather for them to come out.

 These are some of my favorites!  I love them!  I thought her bouquet was so beautiful.
 These last four collages contain pictures that didn't show up on the memory card for some unknown reason.  For several weeks I thought they were lost forever- but a little thought I had in my head wouldn't go away, and that was to take the memory card into Inkleys and see if someone there knew how to recover them. . . and they did!!!  I was sooo happy. Even to pay the $40 they charged.  Look at what would have been lost w/o me following through on that inspiration.

 We had a delicious luncheon at the church prepared by Brad's family. They did such an nice job with the food. Everything was so good.  They served a yogurt bar, a crepe bar, scrambled eggs, and breakfast meats.  They went to so much work to make it nice.  We hurried to get it cleared up and set up for the reception in record time, then had a nice reception from 3-5.  I am grateful to the people who took time out of their New Years to come. It was so wonderful to have all my family there except for Paul and DeNae.

I loved Mike and Jessica's dance to "I loved her first."  I'm so impressed that non-dancing Mike was on board when I had the idea.  I also loved Jess and Brad's country swing dance to "Kiss a girl."  It was adorable.
Then the time came for everyone who was still there to see them off- complete with bubbles and cheers.  They are so happy and that makes all the effort in preparing a wedding totally worth it.  They had a great honeymoon traveling to LA by way of SLC and Vegas to go on a 5 day Mexican cruise, then spent a day at Disneyland.  Brad is so taken with the ocean (after seeing it for his first time. . . ya, I know) that somehow he's made it so this summer they'll be living in Florida while he sells for APX.  Way to go Brad!  Congratulations to the newlyweds- I'm so happy for you, and I love you both so much.


Kylee said...

Darling darling!! It was such a fun and exciting day. I'm so glad I was able to be there and help with so much stuff.

On a side note, I figured out how to use cute backgrounds even with the setting for the big pictures. Call if you want me to walk to through it.

Carol said...

So so so so so so cute!! Thanks for posting!

Dani Em said...

that is cool about your memory card!! What a fun idea with the date in the snow!...I may have to steal that at some point :)

Jessica looks GORGEOUS in her bridal pictures, they are beautiful!

Jessica said...

Cute post mom! ;) Seeing yours and kylee's blogs about the wedding makes me want to redo or change mine and add things or say different things. I love both of your guys' blogs you did about the wedding! You are the best! thanks for everything. Love yoU! I'm also very glad you followed your instinct! Those are my favorite pictures, I would have been sad!

mary erickson said...

Beautiful pictures, beautiful Bride, beautiful Mother of the Bride. Sooo glad I could be there.Mom

Annie said...

Great recap sissy. Glad you figured out how to save the missing pics. Such a beautiful bride.

tutus n bowties said...

I'm in LOVE with their groomals! Jessica is beautiful and your sister-in-law did an awesome job as did Linny. Everything was very magical!

Nan said...

What a wonderful day. Jessica was a beautiful bride. Of course, her mother was not too bad herself.

Jessica said...

It was a BEAUTIFUL wedding!!

Benji and Anne King said...

Yay! Congratulations to you and to Jessica. She is such a beautiful girl. I can't believe she's married now. It's making me feel old. She was a gorgeous bride and her hubby is one lucky fellow. He sounds like a wonderful catch as well. So glad y'all had a wonderful time. Hope to see you soon!

Jord said...

The wedding was totally wonderful and you pulled everything off perfectly Lee. You have beautiful daughters and all of the pictures of Jessica and Brad are lovely. I'm glad I was able to see it all in person.

Vonnie said...

What a great recap! It was a lovely day and I'm glad we could all attend to share in your happiness!!!

tutus n bowties said...

Still drooling over these pics! Photography has slowed way down beginning at the start of the new year. I just have to make up opportunity for myself for the time being.

Kylee said...

My comment about this post was so lame. Did you add stuff since my comment? Well, who cares if I've already said this 100 times, but it's been a while now, so I think I can say it again-- the wedding was perfect! You did such a great job putting it all together and Jessica looked gorgeous!! I'm so glad you found those pictures! Way to follow that instinct :) You are good at that. I'm so happy we could be there for so much of the wedding activities! Yay for another married couple in the family!!

Kristina Peterson said...

I love this! So many cute pictures:) That was such a fun day!