Thursday, September 1, 2011

Summer of fun with Kylee, a sad goodbye, a trip to Texas, 1st day of school & a new job

 I had so much fun this summer having Kylee living with us.  I loved having someone to do everything with!  We enjoyed working out together- most days riding our bikes to the Sports Academy, going to a class, then riding home.  We took Sal for a walk most days- either in the morning or at night.  We went to several movies, lunches, and on many shopping sprees.  We took a trip to SLC/Provo to celebrate her 24th BD and to Fort Collins for two days looking for an apartment for her and Brody.  We had our "shows" we watched at nights- The (dumb) Bachelorette, SYTYCD and Season 1 of The Middle.  I would have had a lonely summer without her here, and I am so glad I had that one-on-one time with my sweet girl.
 All too soon Brody was home from Africa and it was time to help them get packed up for their move to Fort Collins Colorado.  It's nice knowing they're only 7 hours away now instead of 11-12, but I still wish and hope they'll be even closer someday in the future.
 The day after they left, Jessica and Brad flew me to Amarillo Texas where they had been living for the summer so I could drive home with Jessica since Brad was planning on working the whole week leading up to USU starting, and Jess wanted to chill and relax for a few days before school started.  It was awesome that Fort Collins was almost exactly half way home, so we got to stop for the night and stay with Ky and Brody.  We had a great time eating out, playing cards, and helping Ky make decorating decisions.  I loved spending some one-on-one time with Jess during our 15 hour drive. 
 Since Jessica didn't have much to do all summer (besides taking two on-line classes) while Brad was out working hard six days a week for 11-12 hours, she decided to learn how to crochet.  And boy, did she learn!  I'm amazed at her creativity and talent!  All of these creations are for sale, so let me (or her) know if you're interested in purchasing anything.
 All too soon, it was time for school to start for the boys.  Jake is a SENIOR, and Cam's a sophomore.  Wow, I just can't believe how quickly time flies.  Honestly, it seems like not that long ago that I put Kylee on the bus to go to kindergarten. . .
 After knowing all summer that I wouldn't have a job at the middle school as an ESL aide (a sweet job I had for 5 years) because of budget cuts, I was very happy to get a call from the vice-principal a week before school started offering me a 3 hour a day job in the computer lab.  There has been a ton to learn but so far I'm liking it a lot.


Jessica said...

I need to get caught up! First of all, I'm so glad you came out to help me drive home. It was so great to get to spend some time with you and see Ky and Brod! And thanks for advertising my hats! Oh and that first picture of you and Ky (the one on the top left), Brad kept saying, "is that you or Kylee?" He really could not tell. haha

Kylee said...

I liked seeing the picture of the computer lab, so I can have something to picture in my head when you talk about it. I loved all the time we had together this summer and that you and Jess were able to come visit so soon! Yeah, it's crazy that the boys are growing up so fast! Good luck with that :)

Lindsey said...

I HEART newsy posts. You look like a teen age girl wearing that hat of Jess's. You should invest in some. Did you ever get Bahama Bucks? If so, it is worthy of a blog mention, no? I need to hear more about your job and how it is going.

Vonnie said...

Good recap of your trip and time spent with your darling daughters. Great news on the new job. I can see your computer skillz improving right before my eyes!