Friday, March 2, 2012

Jake is a Eagle Scout!

(Let me start off by apologizing for the poor quality of these pictures.  I don't know what the problem was with my instant camera, but I got my good one out for the ones at home which you'll notice in the 3rd collage)

This past Sunday night Jake received his Eagle Scout Award!  We're so proud of him for working so hard to get it.  He did a great project during the summer of '10 (yes, it's taken us that long to get the paperwork done. . .) of collecting bicycles for Burmese refugees who live in Logan and don't have any form of transportation except the bus.  It was a very rewarding experience for everyone involved when we delivered the 60 plus bikes to them and to see the joy on their faces when they realized that they were getting a bike for free.

The top picture if of Jake and Ryan in the "eagles nest" with men in our ward.  It was impressive that so many came to the court of honor to support Jake and Ryan (notice cute Brad to Ryan's right).  The bottom right picture is of Jake and Ryan's little brothers taking part in the program before the awards were handed out.  Cam hasn't worn his scout shirt for a couple years- apparently he's grown a little since then. . . hahaa

The top right picture is our YM president presenting Jake with the award.  Jake really looks up to him (and not just because he's tall) and is happy he's in YM with him.  The bottom left picture is of Jake with our bishop, the YM pres. and the scout advancement adviser.  If any of you reading this are more into scouting than we are, you'll notice that Jake and Ryan are wearing their bandillos (is that even the right word?  It's the green thing with all their merit badges on them) on the wrong shoulder. . . who knew?  Ryan's was on the right shoulder (which is actually the right shoulder, not the left) but changed it so they would look the same.  We'll get it right for Cam!)

At home with the better camera.  It was nice of the Weyerts Grandparents and Jess and Brad to come and support Jake in this momentous occasion.

Way to go Jake!  You won't ever regret putting in the effort it took to become an eagle scout.


Jessica said...

Yay! Way to go Jake!! I'm glad I was able to be there for it, especially since I missed out on delivering the bikes.

Kylee said...

Cool Jake! Way to go! The only thing I know about scouts is what I've seen from the movie 'Up' but it seems like a long, hard process to get all those badges. I'm glad he finally got them all!

Carol said...

Congratulations to all of you - what a wonderful accomplishment!

Lindsey said...

Good for him for seeing this through! This is Ryan's biggest regret, was not getting his Eagle. So glad Jake finished this goal, what a good egg he is :)

Annie said...

So proud of the boy. And his parents!

Jord said...

That is an awesome accomplishment and I'm proud of that shaggy haired boy!

Jamie Jo said...

That is so awesome!! Josh was 3 merit badges away and regrets not getting it very much. When did Jake start trying to look like Brody with the hair? It has grown so much since I saw him last.