Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The 3 boys I miss the most

I haven't done an update on the boys for awhile. They are both doing well. Cam's biggest challenge after trying to learn Spanish has been trying to stay warm. He's been shocked at how cold it is there- especially when it's windy. But he's LOVING Chicago and being able to explore it a little on Pdays. Here are some pictures from the past 2 months...

This is his buddy Elder Forbush who was in his district in the MTC. They're serving near each other, so share the same church and get to see each other at least once a week.
 He got asked to baptize Manuel (on his right) because he had been taught by the Hermana's, so asked Cam if he would baptize him. He was so happy to do so!

This is Jake w/ one of his favorite companions Elder Silva who came back to visit and attend a baptism after he had completed his mission.
Jake loved his 3 months spent in Mountlake Terrace.
Jake and one his companions Elder Anderson
With another of his favorite companions- Elder Boyd at a mission Christmas devotional.
Getting fed Cafe Rio sweet pork burritos with his comp Elder Thompson at the Hendricks- an awesome member family.
Hahaha- this sign was posted at one of the churches during the week before the Super Bowl.
These are the packages I sent the boys for Valentines day.

Who could ever see too many pictures of this adorable baby. Look at that face! Isn't he the cutest? The first few are from his 6 month photo shoot that Kylee did. I think they turned out so good!



He's always so smiley.

This is what he looked like one day when Ky went to get him after a nap. Still smiley even with spit up all over his face!

What a cool dude.

This may be the cutest picture of all time. It makes my heart melt.

He's doing the army crawl and he often manages to get himself stuck..

He loves his giraffe binky for naps and bedtime. 
He does this funny snorting with his nose scrunched up just like Kylee did at that same age! I think it's adorable.

Those teeth!

His parents must be starving him...

Is there a more perfect face anywhere in the world?


Kylee said...

I love seeing pics of the boys!! Some of those I hadn't seen before... Your Valentine's package was very impressive. I bet they LOVED that. The one up and down picture of Evan's 6 mo photo shoot where he isn't looking at the camera, was mostly to show how his hair sticks up in the back. I'm sure I'll find that annoying later, but for now I think it's the cutest thing ever.

Jessica said...

I agree with Ky- it was fun to see some pictures of the boys that I hadn't seen before. And I don't think there is a cuter face than Evan's. I sure miss these three boys as well!

Vonnie said...

Great update on your "boys". That first picture of Cam reminds me of pictures of Andy during the winter in Mongolia. I love seeing your good missionary sons and hearing how they are doing. Baby Evan is adorable!