Saturday, June 28, 2008

I've been tagged!

I was recently "tagged" by my sister-in-law Jessica to tell some things about myself, so after much thought and deliberation (maybe 5 mintues~) here goes: (none are in any particular order)

8 Things I'm passionate about:
1. My family: making memories, spending time together, just being a mom.
2. Exercising
3. Writing in my journal (s)
4. Baking cookies!
5. My church membership
6. Cleaning/organizing
7. Reading
8. My relationships with mine and Mike's extended family

8 Books I've read and enjoyed: (seriously? 8?)
1. Harry Potter series
2. Travelers gift (a BD gift from Lindsey)
3. Any real life survival story
4. The Mitford series
5. Church books that are history/fiction (work and glory, kingdom and crown, fire & covenant, children of the promise)
6. Athletes overcoming great odds (Lance, "into thin air")
7. All Maeve Binchys books
8. All Richard Paul Evans books
OK, OK- that's a lot more than 8 but I read a lot!

8 Words or Phrases I say often
1. Time for breakfast/lunch/dinner
2. Do you want a cookie?
3. I need some more ice in my water
4. Pick that up
5. What?
6. I'm going to Cam or Jakes football/basketball/baseball/lacrosse game
7. I'll let you know
8. I love you

8 things I want to do before I die
1. Own a house with a big bathtub, fireplace, and an island in the kitchen
2. Drive an automobile other than a van (I'm on my fourth one)
3. Travel
4. Serve a mission with Mike
5. See my kids marry and have kids and be happy and successful
6. Be really surprised by something
7. Live in the same town as Ann and Trace
8. Be a snowbird in Mesa, AZ and reconnect with our friends there

So that's it! I'd like to tag anyone who thinks this would be a fun thing to do. . . I won't put any pressure on anyone- not that I felt any on me. . .


Kylee said...

Good job mom! I was tagged too, but I still have 4 more days of vacation to talk about! So I guess mine will have to wait... Sorry Jessica!

Stacie said...

Hey I didn't know you liked to read? :) Ha that question for me was the hardest.. I learned a lot about you from this lil tag.

Stacie said...

I think you need a THINGS I LOVE and a THING I DONT LOVE list.. :) kinda fun

Lee said...

Stace- I do have that in one of my journals, but you're right- I should put it on my blog. Haha about you not knowing I like to read!

Lindsey said...

That's a fun little list. I need a good book to read. I just finished the Host and Loved it! Now what? True it practically consumes me and I don't get much work done, but I feel much better inside my head. Except now sometimes I think I have someone else in my head too, we'll talk about that later :) Anyway, give me a good suggestion, and perhaps loan me the book ;)

Stacey said...

I liked the Words or phrases I often say. What? That's a good one. I hate when I hear "". Just say it! I think I say:
We'll see
I'll think about it
Stop teasing
I'll start tomorrow
Kids, come pick up this mess
How can you be hungry, you just ate