Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I've always been a fan of making lists of things to do. I think it all started when I was an immature teen and used to make myself a note to remember to still be mad at my little sister Carol the next day- you know how if you're mad at someone at night, then the next morning when you wake up and it's a new day, you kinda forget about your feelings from the previous day? Well, that used to bug me- that she didn't get the full mean treatment from me- so I made a note for myself. . . I know, I know--- I've grown up a lot since then. Sorry Carol! Anyway, I'm a big fan of writing stuff down. So I thought I'd share my ideas of what I keep track of. I have many different books for keeping all this info in. First and most importantly is my regular happenings of my life journal that I write in every day. I have been writing regularly in a journal since 1976 (that was an earlier post if you recall).

Since 2001, I have been keeping track of all the gifts given and received for birthdays and Christmas and amounts spent. This has been valuable info, because not only is it good to have a written reminder, it's also helpful to remember what you gave as neighbor gifts (for example) from year to year so you don't repeat! In that same journal I also keep a list of gift ideas that the kids and Mike have given me throughout the year. It's great when gift giving time comes, and I have a ready list of ideas.

In a small book, I have a list of my favorite things, and a list of things I don't love. I love that list! It's fun to add to, and reread. You'll be happy to know my list of things I love is longer than the one of things I don't love. I'll give you a few just for fun. I love: taking a bath while reading a good book, I love going for alone walks with one of the kids or Mike. I love my Christmas shopping weekend with Freda, Teresa, Stacie and Jessica. I love exercising every day. I love having a glass of ice-cold water wherever I am. I don't love: spending a lot of money in a restaurant, unnecessarily long and boring meetings, when people say they'll do something and then don't, when sticky price tags don't come off an item, and, when people wear make-up to work out at 6:00 in the morning.

Since 2004 I have kept an exercise journal of what I do everyday for a workout. It's fulfilling to see how consistent I am, and how I vary in what I do. I also make a mark for each day if I didn't eat past 7:00, and if I refrained from sweets that day. Those marks (or lack thereof) are not so fun to see at times. . . I'm a weak person sometimes okay?

Since 1996 I have kept a journal of funny things the kids have said. About once a year we get it out and read it around the dinner table. It makes for some great entertainment. We call it "the funny book." Here are a few favorites: Kylee, age 7: giving a FHE lesson on temples: "a temple is a scattered place where I'll be salad to my family for all enteree." Jessica, age 6: she was trying to think of the word 'yesterday' but couldn't, so she pointed to the side, and said "you know that day back there?" Jake, age 5: "I just love looking at the sun. It makes me feel about love. And so do girl songs." (another one from Jake because he has so many) age 5: In his prayers one night: "I like the good people I know, and I love the good people I don't know and I sort of like the bad people, but I don't like Satan." OK- one more from Jake: In church one day, Jake asked Mike why we take bread and water. Mike said it's to remind us of Jesus. Jake said: "It doesn't remind me of Jesus- it reminds me of food- like cookies!" Cam, age 4: I took Cam for an evening bike ride and it was a little chilly, but he wouldn't wear a jacket. On the way home, he was freezing, and said: "this is the coldest day I've ever met!" (one more from Cam): age 7: One day out of the blue Cam said to Mike: "I sure am glad I'm not a weed." As you can see, these quotes are priceless. I encourage everyone to start today writing down the funny things your kids/grandkids say, because they are a treasure.

I have a book filled with my favorite quotes or sayings. It's inspiring to read and refer to- and have available for talks or lessons. A few of my favorites: "The course of our lives is not determined by great, awesome decisions. Our direction is set by the little day-to-day choices that chart the track on which we run." Gordon B. Hinckley "Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeadedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Aristotle

I have kept track in the back of my regular journal for years, a list of books I've read, the author, and the number of pages in the book. It's fun to see from year to year how much I read. Several years I've read around 15,000 pages. I enjoy rereading certain books, so it's nice to see how long ago I read it in the first place and determine how bad my memory is and how much I can or can't remember from it. Many times I claim to have never read a certain book, but looking back at the list proves that I actually did! It's also nice to have so I can recommend books I've especially enjoyed to other people. (I put a star on the books I really loved) So if you're ever looking for a good book to read- I'm your girl!

I hope some of these ideas have been helpful to you. If any of you have ideas to share for more lists I can start, please let me know!


Claire said...

Lee, those are some very cool lists and maybe I'll start a few up (I especially like the book one). Loved the funny comments from your kids, too. Some lists I keep on my PDA: books and movies I want to read/see, things I want to learn more about, places to visit, etc.

Carol said...

I sure am glad you don't have to post yourself a note to be mad at me anymore (at least I hope you don't). I love all your different ideas. Tanner especially got a kick out of your kids comments.

Vonnie said...

I'm a list maker as well, but mostly they are short term lists that I keep on post-it-notes with things I need to get done. I do have a home improvement list I keep in the back of my recipe box. I put home improvements I want to make and I slowly work through them. Right now I have: replace carpet on main floor, replace kitchen flooring, get a new queen size bed and buy lawn furniture. Slowly...

Annie said...

I have a book that lists gifts I give and gifts I receive and I mark if a thank you was given for the gifts. A friend from Portland taught me that idea of teaching children to say 'thank you'. Also I have a book listing acts of service/kindness from me and also FOR me...kid, that list is quite small. I'm just saying.

Kylee said...

I knew you had a lot of lists but I didn't realize you had THAT many! That's awesome. My all time favorite it the funny book, of course. We should get that out sometime! I have a few lists, but I always forget to add things to it. I just need to get in the habit. Thanks for the ideas!

Lindsey said...

What a good post little Susie home maker. I have copied many of those ideas from you and they truly are priceless to me, except for the gift journal, that's more handy then priceless. I hope you add to your kids funny book
Kylee-21 "Could a moose come into your tent and drag you out?" lol clasic!

Lee said...

Linny- when I first read that you said I should add to my funny book, I thought "the kids don't say funny things anymore. . ." then I read on to the classic moose comment by Kylee! She could have a whole book devoted to her of funny things she's said just since she's been married. Maybe I'll get Brody to head that up!

Stacey said...

This hasn't been helpful, it's depressing! Ok, not really, I say that because all the cute/funny things the kids have said, I haven't recorded and now (for the older 2) it's too late! Where do you keep these books? I must start today! You'd think I would have kept an exercise log at some point during my life. Nope, not even during all that crazy training. Well....I did write it down on a calendar on my fridge, and some in my journal which I read now and thing WHAT???!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow - what a great blog you have! I loved seeing what you've done with it. I didn't know you had such highly advanced computer skills :) Good job!!

Jessica said...

How cute that Mike commented on your blog :) I love that you make so many lists. I am sure they come in handy and it is something I admire. You are just amazing with all that you do daily!

Stu and Alyssa said...

Ive always wanted to start something like that. There are so many things to have lists for I just usually end up forgetting once I start. Ya tell me about it the whole sewing thing. My mom about died when she found out I was using one. She is convinced im not her daughter.

Jamie Jo said...

I'm glad Cam isn't a weed either. That is pretty funny. Pretty random. Which one of them said they are happy they are a shiny, clean boy?

Jamie Jo said...

I am going to need to make some lists too in my new organizer binder. I wonder what a list of how much ice cream I eat in a week would look like. What about a list of how often I shower and do my hair?

Jord said...

Oh my list! Props to you Lee for keeping track of so many things. Can I hire you do to lists for me? :) You definitely win the prize for consistency.

Anonymous said...

I love it! I'm a list wanna be. I have the quote book as well that comes in handy all the time. Loved the idea of the exercise journal. I don't think I give myself credit for the days I do get a good workout in...I'm always focused on the days I don't.

Jenny said...

Hi Lee,
I linked to your blog from Jamie's. Very cute idea. My favorite quote from my oldest is one Sunday he told my husband, 'I don't like church, there are too many stories of Jesus, I know he's my brother, but I've never seen him.' I didn't write it down, but I figure if I tell enough people they'll help me remember.

(My mom's a list maker too, must be a crazy Griffin thing.)