Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mt. Everest

I just added to my list of Blogs I Follow, one called "The Seventh Summit." It's a blog a friend in our ward is doing for her husband who at this very moment is at base camp on Mt. Everest- preparing to summit it in the next few weeks. I know many of you would enjoy reading about his experiences, and seeing the beautiful pictures he's emailing his family. Be sure and start at the beginning of her blog where it tells about his climbing experiences. He really is amazing, and it's been fun to be in the same ward as them for the past 6 years and hear about his adventures. He was our home teacher for a few years, and that's what we would spend all the time doing when he came to visit each month- talking about his latest or upcoming climb. And, as a shout out to Janet, his wife--- that's what I call being a supportive wife of your husbands dreams. Wow- she should get as much recognition to his accomplishments as him! Don't you agree?


Vonnie said...

Wow, what an accomplishment for the climber and his wife. Everest is the ultimate "hike" and there are so many life lessons to be learned for accomplishing that goal. Impressive!

Kylee said...

Oh that's cool that she's doing a blog about it! I'll have to check it out

Kade and Katie said...

we would LOVE to see you. this week is as good as any. it's crazy around here, so if you don't mind that, come on over. we have a few things going on this week, so just give me a call or text me so i can make sure we are here. i saw you running this jealous! i'll get out there soon i hope. love ya!

Stacey said...

I read Into Thin Air and think I want to do that, no, yes, no, yes. I think the altitude sickness alone would prevent me from leaving base camp! That is crazy! Who is paying for this expedition? I'll have to check it out. Not tonight cuz I'm so tired!