Sunday, March 14, 2010

Goodbye Kylee and Brody

We were happy we got to see Kylee and Brody for almost a whole 24 hours when they drove to Utah to drop Salomon off to be taken care of by Brody's mom (mostly) and us while they're in Europe for 2 months. The Bundy's came for the evening, and we enjoyed a yummy meal of Mexican haystacks (my new favorite), lots of visiting, and a fun game of sardines. Two and a half hours after we all went to bed, Brody, Kylee and I were up to head off to SLC to the airport. Unfortunately for Kylee, she was feeling sick, and I had to pull over three times for her to take care of business off the side of the road. Sad! That's not the way you want to feel when you have an 18 hour travel day ahead of you. Happily, after a wonderful blessing from Brody as we arrived at the airport, she started feeling better and was able to enjoy the journey. Ironically, Brody started feeling sick just as she started feeling better, and had to make haste to the bathroom a couple times on the plane from SLC to Minneapolis. That just adds to the fun of the adventure, right? I was so happy to hear from them when they arrived safely in Prague.

Here's the two cute Bundy girls just happy to be here.

The boys love to play this game with Sal. I call it tormenting him, but it is pretty funny to watch. They get out their red lazer light and flash it around the room causing him to run wild in circles trying to catch it.
Whenever we're all 7 together and Lindsey is closeby with her camera, I love her to take some family pictures. You can never have enough of them, right? (even though most in my family would disagree. . .)

Here's the cute couple on the curb at the airport. Does Kylee look more apprehensive, excited or just sick and tired? It's hard to tell. I'm sure she was feeling all those things. I've been able to talk to her (through their computer) several times since they arrived on Friday, and it's been great to hear what they've been doing. Today they enjoyed attending the branch in Prague and hearing a talk from the daughter-in-law of one of my friends in our ward here. Her son and family live there. Small world! We miss and love you Ky and Brody, and think of you often.


Jamie Jo said...

I was thinking they were going for 6 months, not just two. That won't be bad for you at all, will it? Don't you have to go more than that with them in Phoenix? Will you get to go visit them there? I'm so jealous.

Nan said...

They will sure have an adventure! I want to learn your game sometime.

Jessica said...

Such a fun adventure for them! I'm glad you got to see them before they left.

Lindsey said...

Great post. I'm so glad we came up, we had a lot of fun. I'm just going to address the elephant in the room. The picture of Emma and Lydia...not their cutest, but it's nice of you to call them darling. Let me know about this weekend and if I play a role at all.

tutus n bowties said...

Your family is so dang cute. Seriously, so sad that they both were sick during their travel. ps. are you going to visit them!?

Stacey said...

No, never have enough pics. I told the kids today about our trying to do a summer schedule and they were freaking out excited. I need to let you do a evening of games for us. Beach volleyball perhaps!