Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Memory Lane

Kylee and Jessica Weyerts did this post that I thought would be fun. It's a little game called "Memory Lane"... Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one (or more!) memory that you and I had together 2. After you've written a memory on my blog, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. I always love to talk about fun past times and I also love getting comments so this will be a great combination of both!


Kylee said...

Good job figuring out how to repost this thing on your blog! hmmm which memory of you should I post? Obviously I have quite a few. I just remember a few times in my younger childhood crying about something or other and you would always come to my room or wherever I was and just sit there and hug me. You didn't make me talk about it or try and tell me what to do or think. Just having you there made me feel so much better. That really meant a lot to me to know that you were always there for me and I know that you still are.

Stacey said...

I remember the first time I went speed walking with you. Whew! I could barely keep up! I now know what if feels like for my mom. I also remember the summers in Ruprict and floating down the canals with you and Carol. I think you were out on a lot of dates, but I know you floated with me because I have pictures. I also remember that fun trip to Vegas way back when. I think I had Kennedy with me as a hairy baby!? Lots of good memories.

Stacie said...

Well I have lots..:) I loved to visit when you lived in AZ (lots of good memories there) But the one I would like to share is when we go to SLC to shop for christmas. I look forward to that because you are there and its a time to hang out and have fun. I Love spending time talking, laughing, shopping, staying up late, going to movies, listening to music, and just being around you.

I also have good memories of you being the "best" party host with lots of games, food, and a welcoming home to go to.

Anonymous said...

I loved playing with my new wife's little 9 year old sister. I remember riding bikes around the Orem Mall parking lot late at night. Who guessed that nearly 40 years later we would be doing bikes rides together with our spice in the mountains of Utah, the deserts of Arizona, and the badlands of Texas.

Annie said...

I remember a visit from the parentals when I lived in Eugene, Oregon and soon after they arrived, they left me to go shopping with Janet and Dave. I stood in my kitchen and cryed into my dishtowel. You stood by my side to comfort me. You've starred in that role from that time to the present. What ever would I do without you in my life? Still be crying in my dishtowel perhaps!

Lee said...

Oh sweet memories everyone! I'm so glad I did this post!
*Ky- that's so kind of you to have such a little thing I did mean so much to you. Thanks :)
*I loved when the Skeens came to stay for several weeks during the summer, and I loved coming to stay with you- it was the highlight of my year. That Vegas trip was awesome- esp the fake head. (love your name for rupert!)
*I love that you have our shopping weekend as a favorite memory, because as you know, that also is a fav of mine and in my journal under my list of favorite things. Thanks for your kind words. . .
*trace- I will never forget riding bikes from your apt. in orem to the mall. A farm kid from ruprict thought that was the coolest thing ever. You have always been such a great friend and example to me.
*Annie- who could forget the dishtowel episode. I truly didn't know what to do- but I"m glad I gave you some comfort and that I still am :) the feelings are mutual- you know that-
Thanks again everyone.

Vonnie said...

Lee, I have memories of you dating various young men in Provo while you were a student and even kissing my brother-in-law in the back seat of the Volkswagon (unbeknownst to us at the time) when you were young and foot hardy :) I also remember you coming over to visit us when we were newlyweds and helping tend the girls on occasion. It was so fun to have you attend college in the same town where we lived.

Lindsey said...

I have so many...where to begin. I guess my most bonding experience was when I was in Thailand and you and I emailed every day. I just looked forward to your letters so much. The gratitude and love and appreciation I gained for you in watching after my most prized posession is truly pricelsss and I think your stock in my book will never be matched. I have printed off those emails and placed them inside my journal. I'll never forget what you did for me for two weeks and the bond that we shared to never be broken. Loving someone else's child is that quickest way to their heart. Okay my other favorites...
coming to visit when I lived in Provo and you would always send me home with food.
When you and your family came and stayed with me at my little appartment in Provo and we went to 7 peaks.
Coming over for the super bowl and having lots of yummy food.
Going for walks around your perfect neighborhood.
And most recent seeing Mama Mia and admitting I had goose bumps at one point and shrugging our shoulders over why everyone was laughing at Pierce.

Jamie Jo said...

Do I dare mention the time I slapped you, or paint the picture of you crying at the park because I was such a little brat? Here's one. I remember waking up on my 30th birthday feeling a little sorry for myself. I was all alone in Millville and the kids were visiting Dufus. I got up and went outside to find hearts and 30's all over my house and yard from you and Carol. That was so sweet. I remember you and I writing each other all the time when I was newlywed. You came to visit me at my apartment and we went out to lunch. Jessica was little and she kept dipping her finger in ketchup and eating that instead of the fries. I also remember when Josh and I came up here when I was going through the divorce. You showed us the house in Millville and you took us with you to Von's for Easter. Uncle Mike and Uncle Rick also gave me blessings that were much needed.