Saturday, July 30, 2016

July- week 3

This will probably be my last blog post...I've set up a new instagram account where I'll post more pictures and comments about life happenings. If you want to follow that account the username is jensenfamily85.

All too soon it was time to fly Evan home. I was so sad to leave Logan with him knowing he won't be back until Christmas...He was so good on the flight. He watched and played games on my ipad almost the whole way. It was nice that the middle seat was open so he sat there most of the flight. It was so cute to see his reunion with Kylee, Brody and Owen.

Owen changed so much in 10 days!!! He's sooo adorable. I just love loving on him.

Kylee and I took the boys to Boeing field for their 100 year celebration.
I discovered this wild blackberry patch just down the street from their house. Yum!

I helped Kylee with a few projects during the week. I painted the drawers and step, helped her make curtains and helped with the mountains in Evans room, helped her get Evan's birthday party ready and filled holes, calked and painted some trim and baseboards in the kitchen, hallway and living room.

I'm so happy I was there for Evan's 2nd birthday! He was so cute about everything and knows that he's 2 and loved being sung to, and of course loved all his presents.
After opening everything, we went to breakfast at a yummy cafe that served delicious crepes and waffles.

Kylee took these adorable pictures in their backyard. It's SO hard to get him to sit or stand still for more than 3 seconds, so, given that, she was thrilled with how well they turned out.

His birthday party the next day could not have been any cuter. I loved the construction theme and it was fun watching him playing with his friends.

It was a sad flight home knowing my fun two months was over and it would be 4 months until I see the Hatch's again... :( :( :(

1 comment:

Niki said...

Say it ain't so! You're one of the only blogger friends I have left! But Instagram is way easier :) Kylee throws the cutest parties! She is talented! And I need you to come to my house and help with all my unfinished projects haha! Getting anything done with Sierra is nearly impossible. I'll miss your blog!