Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Apricots anyone?

We are so happy to have three awesome fruit trees in our backyard. We have an apricot, pear and apple tree. This year we have had more apricots than ever. I spent about 45 minutes this morning picking 6 buckets of them. I never have any trouble giving them away once I've used as much as I want. Some years I make jam- although it's not our favorite flavor. This year I tried some in a smoothie, and yummy- so I'm enclosing the recipe in case any of you get your hands on mine or someone else's apricots! To freeze them, I just rinsed, cut in half, took the pit out, and froze for a few hours on a cookie sheet. I'll store them in a zip lock baggie for future use.

4-5 whole apricots
1 banana
1/2-3/4 c vanilla yogurt
1 1/2 c fruit juice (i used white grape peach)
Mix in blender
(I use this same recipe to make a strawberry smoothie using frozen strawberries!)


Vonnie said...

Aren't they delicious in a smoothie? And they are a good change in flavor from the regular smoothie fruit flavors.

Kylee said...

And didn't you say that you weren't supposed to be getting any apricots this year? I want some!

Claire said...

I also discovered as a young child that apricots make good projectiles and cause big bruises on younger brothers when thrown with full force. Or they're good in smoothies, too.

Annie said...

Thanks for sending so many my way. I bought a de-hydrator so I can save them for the kinder. I'll also freeze some for smoothies.

Jamie Jo said...

That smoothie sounds a little too healthy and good for you. Try this one: watermelon, raspberry sherbet, and 7-Up. Mix in blender with a little bit of ice. Yummy times. I'm hungry now. It's 12:18AM. Should I run to Macey's for the ingredients?

Lindsey said...

Thanks for the apricots bag, it is delightful and it won't go to waste! If I hadn't broken our blender by the slip of my butterfingers I would totally go make that smoothie right now.