When the state quarters first came out, Mike thought we needed to save them and not spend any. Several years later he decided we didn't need to keep saving them, so we rolled them up, and cashed them in. We had over $300! We decided to splurge and do something really fun as a family. The Skeens and Bundys had told us about a new fun place in Ogden called the Saloman Center. Among other really fun things there, it had an indoor surfing pool. We decided to rent that out for an hour ($150) and see what it was like. We invited the Bundys to join us, and we had so much fun! It was awesome. Sadly Mike couldn't participate because he had thrown his back out several weeks previously, and was just starting to be able to walk w/o being hunched over like an old man. We surfed for half the time, and did boogie boards for the other half. Some (Brody) were WAY better than others (ME). I took such a fall on my head while trying to surf, that Jamie was still laughing days after watching the video. This is Cam making lots of waves.
Jessica always was good at doing the splits!
Jake got the hang of it pretty fast.
Kylee did great after getting some pointers from Brody.
Brody was a pro from the first try. I felt more comfortable on the boogie board than the surf board. . . Gotta love Ryan's farmer tan. Lindsey needed pointers from her husband too, but then she did great. It was an awesome family activity- and hopefully some unexpected money will come our way someday so we can go again!
Our ward is trying to put together a funniest home video activity. I so badly want to play your wiping out for everyone, but I think they wouldn't appreciate it since they don't know you. Dangit. Cuz that's classic.
Yeah that was so fun! Thanks for including us. I'm glad I wasted your money and not mine and learned early that this isn't the activity for me. My neck had whiplash fro three days! Ryan was just fine though and can't wait to do it again! I guess on Friday nights it's only $5 after 11.
Our ward is trying to put together a funniest home video activity. I so badly want to play your wiping out for everyone, but I think they wouldn't appreciate it since they don't know you. Dangit. Cuz that's classic.
Yeah that was so fun! Thanks for including us. I'm glad I wasted your money and not mine and learned early that this isn't the activity for me. My neck had whiplash fro three days! Ryan was just fine though and can't wait to do it again! I guess on Friday nights it's only $5 after 11.
That looks so fun! What a great activity!
What will they think of next? It looks like a fun family activity. Good times!
Not sure that is something I could master. I think I'd be doing more of the head dives like you did, just not as gracefully :>
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