Tuesday, April 8, 2008

me? skin cancer?

I thought I'd give you all the story of my experience with basal cell carcinoma. For several months, I had noticed a tiny growth on the side of my nose that kept scabbing over, then would grow back. When I went for my annual physical in Feb. '07, Dr. Noorda noticed it and said I should have it check out by a dermatologist. Well, time went by, and six months later, I finally went in. He told me before even taking a biopsy that it was probably basal cell- the most treatable form of skin cancer, but that I needed to have it removed. Yes, I was a little self conscious.
The next picture shows what it looked like after the bandages came off which was an improvement to me at the time, but looks pretty scary now. The Dr. had said it would take six months to completely heal, and that's what it's been. He gave me several options, and sadly to save about $700, I opted to have him do the surgery. Looking back, I would definately spend the extra money and go to a plastic surgeon. Water under the bridge. So, he did the surgery, and I had to go around looking like picture #1 for 48 hours. Sadly, I had to go out in public to a wedding reception, Logan high schools homecoming football game, and both boys football games. I got many questions about what had happened- which was better than just strange looks.
The last picture I just took. I wouldn't say it is completely healed (looks even better with makeup on) but I am happy it has finally gotten to be hardly noticable at all. Now that summer approaching, I plan to change my lifestyle and stay out of the sun a little more than usual and wear sunscreen more often.


Annie said...

A baseball cap and suncreeen does wonders. Kid, you left me having nitemares for a while when I saw you at first. Now you look MARvelous!

Lee said...

i wouldn't be talking about nightmares--- at least i don't have video coverage and show it at parties of my surgery. . .:)

Lindsey said...

I remember my mom and I feeling so sorry for you. However it has healed so well that I totally forgot you even had that scar on your nose. Seriously, I haven't even noticed it the last bunch of times I've seen you. I know you have a big red scar on your nose in the second picture, but still I think it is a really cute picture.

Vonnie said...

I'm glad it healed up so well and that you can't even notice it. Yes, the sun is NOT our friend. You know that my Rickee had a similar experience and is totally vigilant about staying out of the sun. Live long and prosper. You can now!

Jamie Jo said...

I don't tan as much as my sissy's, and although I am fat and pasty, I am less wrinkled. I don't want to name names, but I think I look younger then some of them. My Dad is asking for skin cancer, and it bothers me SO BAD that he lays out so much. I wish he wouldn't. Why can't he get a spray tan like they do on Dancing?

Lindsey said...

HA!! I beat you! And I had to drive all the way home, run to the gorcery store, and make 5 loaves of bread. Don't mess with the best!

Lee said...

you turkey! i'm a novice. you're supposed to cut me some slack. this is the first one i did w/o jessica's help- i had to put the pictures on three different time cause they were in the wrong order. . .by the time i finally got them right, i was too worn out to write much!

Jord said...

What a story Lee. I think you definitely look great, and I'd say that any scar is better than cancer for sure. I try and remember the screen, especially living in the sun and I hope that it keeps you protected too!